samedi 15 février 2014

Galaxy S5 latest samsung phones

Galaxy S5 latest samsung phones

Unlike the previous rumor relayed by the Korean site ETNews the Galaxy S5 may not be equipped with a curved screen .While the Korean website announced two versions for the successor of Galaxy S4 , one with a curved screen, our fellow Korean The Korea Herald indeed come to sweep this rumor out of hand . However, with the commercialization of the Galaxy Round last October, the rumor that seemed more credible. indeed indicates that the Galaxy S5 can be equipped with such technology. And because plants Samsung would a production capacity of 8,000 sheets that , for the manufacture of some 500,000 screens up . However, with a yield of 30 % , the manufacturer is far from covering the production needed to equip million Galaxy S5 it plans to sell .No doubt he will have to wait many months before this technology is available in a mass market consumer latest samsung phones .